Future Planning

He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” Luckily, most nonprofits are not facing the Battle of Britain as Churchill was when he said this. Still, nonprofits without a thoughtful strategic plan aren’t likely to get very far. Whether your institution needs to restructure its vision or simply tweak and update an existing plan, Horizon Lines can help you think through your future goals and create a plan that is mission-driven and user-friendly.

Charting a Course

  • There's nothing worse than taking the time to create a lengthy strategic plan that collects dust on a shelf. Horizon Lines can help you create a plan that is aspirational and attainable, practical and measurable, and which reflects the vision of your board and the goals of your professional staff.

  • Are your organization's constituents receiving the messaging you want them to hear, where and when you want them to hear it? Horizon Lines can help you map your constituent messaging so you are sure you are delivering the content and the message you want people to hear on a scaffolding that is logical and coherent. Museums call this Interpretive Planning, but mapping constituent messaging is important for any organization’s audience.

  • Whether you are displaying your organizational history in the lobby, have a collection to share physically or online, or have a deep social message to impart, Horizon Lines can help you design, write, fabricate, and install your exhibitions, be they 2D, 3D, digital A/V, or online.